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JCT has a strong bond with the Alumni since its inception. We are proud of our alumni who have not only created a niche for themselves in the corporate world but also served as our Brand Ambassadors in the industry in India and abroad. JCT Alumni Relations Cell strengthens the fraternity bond between the alumni and the institute and creates a common platform for greater interaction.


The main aim of our Alumni Association is to provide a good and strong bridge for the students, faculty and the institute for mutual benefit and synergy.


  • To promote a lifelong relation and to act as a forum for the exchange of information among its members.
  • To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
  • To exchange professional knowledge, organize technical conferences, seminars workshops & training courses.
  • To provide career development and guidance.
  • To create interest and motivate the alumni to participate in the progress of the Institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Alma mater.
Name of the Cell / Committee : Alumni Interaction Cell
Core Activity : Conducting alumni meting & Bonding relations with alumnis
Convener : Mr.N.Satish Babu(HOD/CE)
Members : Mr.Nirmal Kumar(Lect/CE)
Mr.Ashok Kumar (LectEEE)
Mr.Dharma Prabhu (Lect./PCE)
Periodicity of the meeting : when required.

Alumni Office Barrers:

Name Department Position
Mr.Sajan.m Civil Chairman
Mrs.Neethu.s Civil Vice Chairman
Mr.Abin.t.george Petro Secretary
Mr.sanjeev.V Mech Joint Secretary
Mrs.gayathri.m EEE Tresurer
Mr.ramesh .r EEE Executive Members
Mr.akilesh Petro Executive Members
Mr.musthafa Petro Executive Members
Mr.abdul azeesh Civil Executive Members
Mr.jino john Mech Executive Members

Alumni Meeting Details

S.NO Event Date Department
1 Alumni Interaction 22.1.19 EEE
2 Alumni Interaction 23.2.18 Civil
3 Alumni Meet 15.7.18 College Level
4 Alumni Interaction 12.3.18 Mech
5 Alumni Interaction 9.2.18 Petro
6 Alumni Meet 8.10.17 College Level