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Two Day Workshop and Hands on Training on “Total Station” Organized by Dept of Civil Engineering on 21st and 22nd December 2017

Two day workshop and hands on training on “TOTAL STATION” organized by Department of Civil Engineering which was held on 21st and 22nd December. Mr. D.Krishna Kumar, Head of the Department, delivered the welcome address. Prof. R.Manoharan, Principal, JCT-PTC delivered the Presidential address. Total 48 numbers of Engineering Students from various Engineering colleges were participated.

On the date 21.12.2017 the special trainer Mr. T.Venkatesh, Director, VS Instruments, Coimbatore gave a brief presentation on total station for the entire forenoon session. Hands on training was started after lunch. The students were split into groups and training was conducted group by group individually.

For the next day 22.12.2017 the training session was continued till 4.30 pm and the ceremony ended with National Anthem.