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An awareness program on start-up and entrepreneurship for school students


The Department of EEE organizes a program on “An awareness program on start-up and entrepreneurship for school students” on 14th August, 2024 at 02.30 PM in Government Higher Secondary School at Pichanur, Coimbatore, with the Guidness of Dr.B.Balraj, HoD/ EEE and Presence of Program Coordinator Mr.K.Guruvaran. The main objective of the program is creating awareness to students about the innovative technology.

In this program X, XI and XII class students participated in the event. Total number of 63 students from the above classes were participated in the competitions and best three creations by students were selected for the prizes.

Assistant Headmistress Mrs.Kalaivani initiates the Program and gives introduction about start-ups and bussiness.

Prof. K.Guruvaran , AP/EEE explains about start-up opportunities in various fields and the importance of entrepreneurship over employment.

Prof. K. Ashwin Karthick, AP/EEE, appreciated the students and motivated them for think about start-up innovation ideas.

It was a very fruitful Program organized by Department of EEE, JCT College of Engineering and Technology. Participants had a great time during the competition and the program. A total of 105 students attended the program.