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- Timeline
- College started with four branches of Engineering (CSE, Civil, ECE, MECH) with an intake of 240 students on 1st August, 2009.
- All the Department Labs Inaugurated
- A new course Electrical and Electronics Engineering started with an intake of 60 Students
- Total intake in B.E-Mechanical Engineering increased to 120
- First National level technical Symposium “JFINAGLES 2010” Conducted. Chief Guest Dr.A.R.Krishnan,Group Director,VSSC-ISRO
- Inauguration of Training and Placement Cell
- Women’s Volley ball – Anna University Zonal Level Tournament conducted
- B.E. Petro Chemical Engineering Course started with intake of 60
- 2nd Sub Junior Women’s National Level Boxing Championship
- Second National level technical Symposium “JFINAGLES 2011” Conducted
- Second Annual Day Celebrations 2011
- B.E. Automobile Engineering Course started with intake of 60
- PG Programs M.E. Engineering Design, M.E. Power Electronics and Drives, M.E. Structural Engineering and M.E. VLSI Design started
- ISO 9001:2008 certification obtained
- Inaugurated CNC Center
- Anna University Zone 10 “Table Tennis Tournament” held on 17th and 18th October 2012
- First National Conference on Recent Advances in Computing Sciences – RACS 2012 on 6th September 2012 sponsored by DRDO
- National Level workshop on “Effective Utilization of Digital Resources For Teaching and Learning”
- Organized the science exhibition EKSPOZIO’12 on 6th March 2012
- Tamil Nadu CARROM Tournament for men and women on from 26th to 28th in association with Tamil Nadu Carrom Association and Coimbatore District Carrom Association
- B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Course started with in take of 60 Students
- Total intake in B.E-Petro Chemical Engineering increased from 60 to 120 students
- Government of Tamil Nadu and EDI sponsored Entrepreneur Development Cell inaugurated on 3rd December 2013
- Anna University Zone 10 Men and Women Inter Collegiate Chess Tournament held on 8th August 2013
- B.Tech Food Technology Course started with in take of 60 Students
- First Graduation Day, Chief Guest: Dr.K.Ramasamy ,Vice Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
- Inaugurated JCT Polytechnic College on 26th July 2014
- Fifth National level technical Symposium “JFINAGLES 2014” Conducted
- ISTE Chapter Inaugurated
- Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Automobile Engineering Blocks Opened
- Second Graduation Day, Chief Guest:Prof.Dr.E.Balagurusamy,Former Member Union Public Service Commission,New Delhi & Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai
- Sixth National level technical Symposium “JFINAGLES 2015” Conducted
- JCT Driving Institute-with hands together with MARUTI DRIVING SCHOOL( A Unit of Sree Saradhambal Automobile Pvt.Ltd)
- Eighth Annual Day Celebrations on 31st March 2017
- Dept of EEE – Anna University Sponsored 7 Days FDTP on “IC6501– CONTROL SYSTEMS” from 15.05.2017 to 21.05.2017
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team visit from 20.07.2017 to 22.07.2017
- Fourth Graduation Day, Chief Guest: Prof.Dr.A.Ganapathi, Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
- Inaugural Ceremony of First Year B.E/B.Tech 2017-2021 Batch
- PRAVEGA-2017 on 14 & 15 September 2017 organized by Department of Automobile Engineering
- JCT Alumni Association – Second Alumni Meet on 8th October 2017
- World Food Day – 2K17 organized by Department of Food Technology, JCTCET
- JCT Champions Trophy 2016 held on 5th and 6th February 2016
- CSI Students Chapter Inaugurated on 14th March 2016
- DBT Sponsored National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Food, Biotechnology KAFSIMA’16
- Seventh National level technical Symposium “JFINAGLES 2016” Conducted
- Third Graduation Day, Chief Guest: Dr. T.R.Padmanabhan, Professor Emeritus, Amirta Deemed University, Coimbatore
- Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Sponsored by National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, Govt of India
- ISRO Certification Course -Eighteenth IIRS Outreach Programme, Chief Guest: Mr.S.A.Kannan,Scientist Engineer SG,ISRO, Bangalore.
- JCT Alumni Association – First Alumni Meet October 2016
- JCT Driving Institute-with hands together with MARUTI DRIVING SCHOOL( A Unit of Sree Saradhambal Automobile Pvt.Ltd)
- Eighth Annual Day Celebrations on 31st March 2017
- Dept of EEE – Anna University Sponsored 7 Days FDTP on “IC6501– CONTROL SYSTEMS” from 15.05.2017 to 21.05.2017
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team visit from 20.07.2017 to 22.07.2017
- Fourth Graduation Day, Chief Guest: Prof.Dr.A.Ganapathi, Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
- Inaugural Ceremony of First Year B.E/B.Tech 2017-2021 Batch
- PRAVEGA-2017 on 14 & 15 September 2017 organized by Department of Automobile Engineering
- JCT Alumni Association – Second Alumni Meet on 8th October 2017
- World Food Day – 2K17 organized by Department of Food Technology, JCTCET
- Anna University Sponsored 7 Days FDTP on CS6402-Design and Analysis of Algorithms from 24.11.17 to 30.11.17 by Department of CSE JCTCET.
- JCT IGNITE 2018-Two Day Inter-State Science Exhibition organized by JCT Polytechnic College on 05.01.2018 and 06.01.2018
- Dhruvaz-2k18 on 02 March 2018 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JCTCET
- 9th Annual Day Celebrations held on 6th April 2018
- Fifth Graduation Day, Chief Guest: Dr. R. Velu, IAS (Retd.) Former Union Minister of State for Railways.
- NBA Accredited 4 Engineering Courses CSE, EEE, MECH, PCE
- 10th Annual Day and Cultural Day Celebrations held on 24th March 2019
- 10th Annual Day and Cultural Day Celebrations held on 24th March 2019