Career @ JCT
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Career @ JCT

JCT College of Engineering and Technology located in the foothills of Western Ghats in a scenic, pollution free, eco – friendly environment in Pichanur, Coimbatore is poised for excellence in Technical Education with special courses and programs for which applications are invited from experienced candidates for the following positions for academic year 2015 – 2016.
Sr. Professors / Professors / Asso. Professors / Asst. Professors
ECE, CSE, EEE, MECH, CIVIL, AUTOMOBILE, PETRO CHEMICAL, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Design, Power Electronics and Drives
Qualification & Salary
As per AICTE norms. Higher start will be given to Ph. D holders and deserving candidates. M. E / M. Tech with First class and on Freshers and experienced and M. E First class with Ph. D scholars preferable.
Lab Technicians
ECE, CSE, EEE, MECH, CIVIL, AUTOMOBILE, PETRO CHEMICAL, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry,
Other Vacancies
- Warden / Deputy Warden for Girls and Boys Hostels, H. V. Drivers, Electrician & Plumber, Sr. Administrative Officer, P. A. to Principal, Chief Librarian / Assistant Librarian, Training and Placement Officer and Receptionist
- Interested candidates are requested to send their CV with a passport size photograph to the Principal along with the copies of certificates.
- Retired persons from R & D Institutions and Engineering Colleges may also apply for full time / part time / visiting positions etc.
Send your resume to : hr@jct.ac.in