National Cyber Safety and Security Standards
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National Cyber Safety and Security Standards
National Cyber Safety and Security Standards have been started with a great vision to safeguard the Nation from the current threats in the Cyberspace. The multi-dimensional structure of technology in the Cyberspace poses a great challenge in handling the complex problems in the Cyber domain.
National Cyber Safety and Security Standards have done an extensive research in the Cyber domain to understand the nature of cyber threats and Cyber Crimes. We have understood that the multi – faceted cyber technology cannot be handled by common standards and security policies.We came to know that, it needs different strategies for different sectors of Cyber domain.
Our Nation is treated like a hot spot for cyber attacks and information thefts by many countries. Due to this, we have taken a visionary initiative to curb and enervate the notoriously spreading cyber threats from various directions and dimensions.
A Common Platform to facilitate the experts to provide an effective solution for the complex and alarming problems in the society towards Cyber Security domain. We are developing innovative strategies and compliance procedures to curb the increasing complexity of the Global Cyber Threats.
National Cyber Crime Reference Handbook I Edition
National-Cyber-Defence-Reference-Handbook II