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The JCT College of Engineering and Technology Library functions as a client-oriented learning resource center focusing on the data and information needed for students, faculty, and staff. The scientific and technical information, computing, networking, and multimedia technologies are the foundations of the Library which has evolved from a Building of books to a learning and Information center. The Library supports the college by providing technologically robust environment to enhance student learning.
The library covers an area of 900 sq.m., on the 1st floor of the main building. In order to meet the requirement of students and staff, special collections of Books & Journals are available in Printed forms and Electronic materials on subjects such as Basic Sciences, Engineering & Technology and Science & Humanities.
The Library caters to the academic needs of 1691 UG students, 50 PG Students, 150 faculty members and 50 technical & administrative staff of the Institute. The Library resources are 25130 volumes and 7116 titles including Books, Back volumes of Periodicals, Micro forms, Video forms, and Standards. More than 96 printed journals are being subscribed by the Library. Apart from these, the Library subscribes Online Engineering Journals such as Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, J Gate, ASTM and Mc Graw Hill Access Engineering.
Description | Links |
Upsc | http://www.upsc.gov.in |
Gate | http://www.iitk.ac.in |
Description | Links |
Anna University | http://www.annauniv.edu |
Government | http://goidirectory.nic.in |
MHRD | http://mhrd.gov.in |
UGC | http://www.ugc.ac.in |
AICTE | http://www.aicte-india.org |
ISTE | http://www.isteonline.in |
Research | http://www.ugc.ac.in |
National Digital Library of India (NDLI) | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
Description | Subscription |
Springer Nature | https://link.springer.com/ |
Description | Subscription |
NPTEL | http://nptel.jct.ac.in/ |
IEEE | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp |
J-Gate | https://jgateplus.com/ |
Elsevier | http://www. sciencedirect.com |
Wiley Civil | http://onlinelibrary. wiley.com |
Astm Digital Library | http://enterprise .astm.org |
Mc Graw Hill Access | http://access engineering library.com |
Indian journals | http://www.indianjournals .com/ijor.aspx |
STM Journals | http://stmjournals .com/index.html |
S.No | Items | e – Journals Access |
1 | Elsevier – Science Direct | 275 Journals (Back file access from 2000 on wards) |
2 | Wiley Civil Engineering | 18 Journals |
3 | Springer Mechanical Engineering Collection | 49 – Journals; Back files from 1997 – 2012 |
4 | McGraw-Hill – Access Engineering | 250 Handbooks, Monographs, Text Books in 15 Major subject areas. Dictionary with 1,00,000 entries |
5 | Astm (Dl) | Over 1700 e-Books, 13000 Journal articles and 6 e-Journals,12000 standards |
6 | J – Gate | 4,700 indexed, 1700 Free full text Article |
7 | Indian journals | 14 |
8 | STM Journals | 3 |
JCTECT students, faculty and staff borrow a variety of materials books, slides, audio and multimedia CDs, and subject DVDs. Almost all journals, Dissertations/Thesis course reserves, Newspapers, Reference works, Special collections, Videos and film may only be used in the library.
The JCTECT Library provides a repository named JCT Digital Library to preserve and provide free online (open) access to the work done at JCT. Faculty and students file their journal articles, conference papers and presentations, book chapters, technical reports, working papers, dissertations and thesis in the JCT Digital Library.
The Acquisition Section collects requests for books, periodicals from the faculty, interacts and places orders with the selected suppliers, procures books and transfers them to the Technical Processing Section for classification, cataloguing, indexing and database entry.
Technical Processing Section plays a key role in the functioning of the library. It bridges between acquisitions of documents and Circulation. The Technical Processing Section of JCTCET Central Library also plays a vital role to enable the smooth functioning of the library.
Circulation section plays a major role in the Library and Information System. JCTCET Central Library Circulation Section issues, renews and registers the return of books using CMS software. Apart from this basic task, many other jobs like Membership registration, Issue of no-dues certificate, inter library loan collection of overdue fine, book reservation and answering queries are all being performed by this section.
The Current Periodical Section maintains a large collection of about 150 journals and periodicals of only print versions. Ten dailies are subscribed in English, Tamil, and Malayalam languages.
Online periodical section subscribes E-Journals, Hand Books, Monographs, Standards, Text books and Dictionaries from leading international publications for the benefit of students and staff.
The students and staff make use of the photocopying facility available at the Central Library on payment basis.