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Mechanical Engineering

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  • About the Department
  • Vision and Mission
  • PEOs, POs, PSOs and Course Outcomes
  • Faculty
  • Department Advisory Committee
  • Laboratory Facilities
  • Credentials
  • Department Events
  • Placement Details

About the Department

Mechanical Engineering Department of JCT College of Engineering started functioning from the year 2009 with a sanctioned intake of 60 students per annum and from the year 2010 with a sanctioned intake of 120 students per annum. The focus of the department is to offer quality education in the specialized fields of Design, Manufacturing, Thermal and Materials engineering. The might of the Department, apart from its Students, is its Qualified and Experienced Faculty/Staff. Faculties are actively engaged in Teaching and mentoring students apart from perusing their research activities in the emerging fields of engineering. The department has a resourceful team of faculty that mostly consists of PG holders. Faculty members regularly attend technical workshops and seminars organized by various technical institutes, and many of them have presented papers at national level seminars.

Job Opportunities

Major Industries that employ Mechanical Engineers include Automobiles, Space research, Aeronautical, Energy and utilities, Air conditioning, Bio-Mechanical industry. Other major employers include giant manufacturing plants, Air conditioning and refrigeration industry, Turbine manufacturing plants, oil and Gas exploration and refining industries and the Agricultural sector.

In the Government sector, Mechanical Engineers can provide their knowledge to various government run projects in the role of technical experts and consultants. They can get Employed in Government departments like Defense, PWD, CPWD, Technical Wings of Armed Forces, Space Research Organization. Industries like the Aeronautical, Agricultural, Automobile, Chemical, Bio-Medical equipment manufacturers, Energy, Power, Electronics, Steel, Oil Exploration and refining, Railways, etc.


Mechanical Engineering is not only limited to the manufacturing and design companies, but also it finds room in power sector, aerospace, petroleum and mining.

The following are the top companies that recruit Mechanical Engineers: MERCEDES BENZ, TATA MOTORS, VOLKSWAGEN Group, BMW, MARUTI SUZUKI, MAHINDRA for Automobile Sector. HITACHI, INGERSOLRAND, LIEBHER CRANES are Companies for Heavy Machinery. LARSEN and TUBRO, BHEL, THERMAX, ALFA LAVAL, GODREJ, KIRLOSKAR, SUZLON are the companies that provide opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in power sector.


To impart world class engineering knowledge to bring out ethical mechanical engineering graduates ready for industries or research or higher studies.


  • To impart quality education to enhance the skill and knowledge required for industry or for higher studies.
  • To have state of art laboratory facilities.
  • To interact with industry and other institutions.
  • To provide an environment to inculcate ethical values and life long learning.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • PEO1: Graduates shall become outstanding engineers in industries or pursue higher studies.
  • PEO2: Graduates shall have the caliber to contribute to national goals through design and manufacturing.
  • PEO3: Graduates shall serve the society by being entrepreneurs or consultants to overcome the challenges they face.

Programme Outcomes(PO)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • PSO1: Capable of successfully qualifying in national level competitive examinations for higher studies and employment.
  • PSO2:An ability to apply their knowledge in the domain of engineering mechanics, fluid, thermal engineering and advanced technologies in solving engineering problems for the benefits of society.

Course Outcome

S.No Name Qualification Designation
1 MAHESH.G M.E/M.Tech  and  PhD Professor
2 ISAAC PREMKUMAR.I.J M.E/M.Tech  and  PhD Associate Professor
3 VIJAYAKUMAR.M M.E/M.Tech  and  PhD Associate Professor
4 ASHOKKUMAR.D M.E/M.Tech Associate Professor
5 SIVA.P M.E/M.Tech Associate Professor
6 SURESH KUMAR.P M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor
7 SETTU.S M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor
8 PRABHU.M M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor
9 MAGENDRAN.R M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor
10 RADHAKRISHNAN.S M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor
11 ANANDA KUMAR.D M.E/M.Tech Assistant Professor

Department Advisory Committee

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has constituted Department Advisory Committee and it consists of Principal, Management Representatives, Member from Core Industry, Head of the Department, Senior Academician from other Institution and Senior Faculty of the Department, renowned Alumni, and Parent. The present members of the committee are
S.No Name of the Member Designation
1. Thiru.R.DurgaShankar Secretary,JCT Group of Institutions,Coimbatore
2. Dr.V.J.Arulkarthick Principal,JCT College of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore
3. Mr.A.Chandrahasan Administrative Officer,JCT Group of Institutions,Coimbatore
4. Mr. Kalaiappan MD, Avinash Industries,Coimbatore
5. Dr.S.R.Devadasan Professor, Dept of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
6. Dr.G.Magesh HOD/Mechanical Engineering Department,JCTCET
7. Dr.I.Issac Prem Kumar Assistant Professor,Mechanical Engineering Department, JCTCET
8. Mr.D.Vigneshwar Alumni Student
9. Mr.Dhayalan F/O Mr.D.Vigneshwar

List of Laboratories

S.NO Laboratory Lab in-charge
4 CAD/CAMLABORATORY Prof.P.Sathish kumar
5 MECHATRONICS LABORATORY Prof. K.Karthik & Prof. T.Karnesh

Laboratory Facilities

  • Thermal Lab: The Department has two separate Labs to meet the ever growing demands of the automobile industry, especially in the field of internal combustion engines; the Labs are equipped with two stroke and four stroke petrol and diesel engines. It also has two refrigeration test rigs, equipment for analyzing emission from an automobile and boiler and steam turbines.
  • Heat and Mass Transfer Lab: A heat and mass transfer Lab has been established with necessary testing equipments to study conduction, convection, radiation and mixed modes of heat transfer in fins and heat exchangers.
  • Manufacturing Technology – 1: All varieties of lathes including Turret lathe, all geared lathe are used for machining purpose. Dynamometer is available for force measurement The student practices various operations like plain turning, step turning, taper turning and thread cutting. Injection moulding machine is available.Laboratory is equipped with proper protecting devices.
  • Manufacturing Technology – 2: The special machines Lab has various machines like Universal drilling, Gear Hobbing, Grinding, Vertical milling, Horizontal milling, Shaping, etc., to carry out special machining operations.
  • CAD/CAM Lab: The CAD/CAM Lab is on par with the latest technology and has the latest facilities to impart training on CAD software such as AutoCAD, Pro-E, ANSYS, Fluent, CATIA, Mechanical desktop, Master CAM, Unigraphics, etc. The CAM Lab has the following machines CNC Lathe & CNC Mill
  • Mechatronics Lab: The Mechatronics Lab is established with latest facilities provided with various kits working on PLC, hydraulics and pneumatics, servomotor control has been set up. The Lab also has a number of simulation packages like PneumoSim and HydroSim to perform the experiments
  • Metrology and Measurements Lab: The metrology and measurements lab has various instruments like micrometer, vernier caliper, temperature measuring setup, displacement measuring setup, torque measuring setup, auto collimator, tool makers microscope, dial gauge calibration, vibration / shock measuring setup, force measuring setup, bevel protractor, mechanical comparator, electronic comparator, pneumatic/ electrical and vernier height gauge, vernier depth gauge to carry out measuring and calibration of tools and machines.
  • Dynamics Lab: The dynamics lab is established with facilities like Vibration Measurement Demonstration System, Milling Tool Dynomometer Self centring vice, Force indicator for Milling m/c, Measurement of Pressure using Strain Guage, Sensor Guage, Pressure Indicator, Torsional Vibration, Torque Indicator, Forced Vibration Solid State Oscillator power Amplifier Displacement Meter, Vibration FFT Analyser and several other modern equipements which are used in the modern industrial world.
  • EngineeringG Practices Laboratory: The Engineering Practices Lab is equipped with tools for Smithy, Plumbing, and Fitting, Carpentry, Welding, Machine Assembly, Foundry and basic machining practices.


  • Our Department Conducted Two Days National Level Workshop “Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimization For Engineering Application” In The Year 2013.
  • Our Department Organized One Day Seminar on “Motivation for Entrepreneurship among Students” during 27th August 2014
  • Our Department Organized Guest Lecture on “Principles of Heat Treatment of Steels” during 10th February 2015
  • Our Department Conducted One Day Seminar on “Advances on NDT Methods” during 27th January 2015
  • Our Department Conducted One Day Seminar on “Solid Works Software Applications” during 29th January 2015.
  • Our Department organized One day National level Symposium JFINAGLES’16
  • Mechanical Engineering association conducted Two Days National level workshop on “Bring Out Your Inner Potential (DHURVAZ’16)”
  • Our Department Organized Guest Lecture on “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery” during 29th September 2015.
  • Our Department Conducted One Day Seminar on “Time Stress Management And Corporate Culture” during 25th June 2015.
  • Dr.G.RAMESH,Principal of our Institution has published “OPTIMIZING THE SUPERCHARGER EFFECT ON THE PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION OF BIOGAS DIESEL ENGINE USING ANFIS” Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 6, no 7, pp.1364-1380.  (Updated List of Journals 2016 S. No. 1108)
  • Our Department Conducted One Day Faculty Development Programme on “Engineering Thermodynamics” On 30th June 2016
  • MAGESH Associate Prof/MECH has published “OPTIMIZATION OF INJECTION MOULDING PROCESS PARAMETERS FOR MININIMAL SHRINKAGE USING TAGUCHI METHOD” International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017
  • Mechanical Engineering association conducted Two Days National level workshop on “NATURAL’S MECHANISM IN AGRICULTURE (DHURVAZ’17)” from 16th to 17 FEB 2017.
  • Mechanical Engineering Association conducted Two Days International Conference on Inventive Systems & Control ICISC 2017 from 19th & 20th January -2017
  • Our Department Inauguration of IEEE Students Chapter on 19th January – 2017
  • Our Department Conducted One Day Faculty Development Program on “Dynamics Of Machines” 10th June 2017.
  • The One Day Faculty Development Program on “Kinematics Of Machinery” 30th November 2017.
  • Our Department organizes Dhruvaz”Constant Faithful” A National Level Mech Fest to bring out the inner potential of students 2nd March 2018.
  • Our Department Conducted IEEE International Conference on Control –ICISC 2018” on 19th and 20th January 2018.

Events Organized

Value Added Courses

  • Computer Aided Modeling Software – Solidworks,Pro/E
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing Software – EdgeCAM
  • Computer Aided Analysis Software – ANSYS
  • Computer Aided Analysis Software – CFD
  • Technical Seminars
  • Hands-on Workshops
  • Guest Lectures
  • Skill Development activities
  • Industrial visit & Placement Training

Student Achievements

At present the husk of tender coconut are being removed manually, which employs more time and man power. This project is to fabricate the coconut peeling machine that peels off the coconut husk from the coconut fruit to obtain DEHUSKED coconut fruit .An operator is required to handle the machine during peeling process. This machine includes the rotation axis control system drive, peeling blades etc. The peeling machine is designed in such a way that it works automatically .The automation strategy in dehusking results in reduced cycle time cost. This machine is extremely beneficial for coconut traders and exporting industries.

Fabrication Of Self Charging E-Bike

E-bike becomes more attractive and recent trends in automotives. It takes for a common E-bike to charge fully about 6-8 hrs .The range for such bikes is usually about 30-40 kms. Then it needs to be recharged again.

In this E-bike our students have made the charging system inbuilt for continuous running. The power from battery will be discharged and charged continuously. This project ensures the road safety by avoiding high speed.

This project can be commercialized by fabricating in a cost effective manner.

Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person Web Link
1. 07.08.2023 to 11.08.2023 Faculty Development programme CE3391-FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY Mr.N S Sivakumar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=Five+day+online+Faculty+Development+programme+on+the+topic+%E2%80%9CCE3391-FLUID+MECHANICS+AND+MACHINERY%E2%80%9D
2. 23.08.2023 webinar INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Mr.Arjun Edakkattil Sajeevan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-international-opportunities-for-higher-education-on-23-08-2023/
3. 23.08.2023 Start-up Ideas Intra Institutional Start-up Ideas Competition Dr.S.Manoharan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=Intra+Institutional+Start-up+Ideas+Competition
4. 31.08.2023 Guest Lecture DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS Dr.S.Selvam https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=+Guest+Lecture+entitled+%E2%80%9CDESIGN+OF+MACHINE+ELEMENTS+%E2%80%9C
5. 26.09.2023 MoU LASAK TECHNO INSTITUTE Mr. Sharan Gautham Sakthivel https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=+MoU+with+%E2%80%9CLASAK+TECHNO+INSTITUTE%E2%80%9D
6. 09.10.2023 Pool-Campus Drive Pool-Campus Drive for Brakes Dr.S.Manoharan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=Pool-Campus+Drive+for+Brakes
7. 09.10.2023 International Conference International Conference on Advanced Materials, Modern Manufacturing and Computerized Automation (IAMMMCA-2023)  Dr.S.Manoharan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=International+Conference+on+Advanced+Materials%2C+Modern+Manufacturing+and+Computerized+Automation+%28IAMMMCA-2022%29%C2%A0
8. 12.10.2023 Webinar INDUSTRY 4.0 ROBOTICS AND THE FUTURE OF AUTOMATION Mr.K.Petchimuthu https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=Webinar+entitled+%E2%80%9CINDUSTRY+4.0+ROBOTICS+AND+THE+FUTURE+OF+AUTOMATION%E2%80%9D+
9. 17.10.2023-21.10.2023 Faculty Development Program Faculty Development Program on “FUSION 360” Mr.Rohit and Mr.Yethil https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/faculty-development-program-on-fusion-360-from-17th-october-2023-to-21st-october-2023/
10. 30.10.2023 Seminar DIGITAL MANUFACTURING Mr.Aadithya Sathya https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/?s=%C2%A0Seminar+entitled+%E2%80%9CDIGITAL+MANUFACTURING%E2%80%9D%C2%A0
11. 02.11.2023 On Campus Drive On Campus Drive – S & T machine tools pvt ltd Mr. Sri Viknesh https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/on-campus-drive-s-t-machine-tools-pvt-ltd/
12. 28.11.2023 Motivational Session  Motivational Session By Successful Innovators Mr.Shanmuga Bhuvaneshwar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/my-story-motivational-session-by-successful-innovators-on-28-11-2023/
13. 04.12.2023 workshop INNOVATION ROBOTIC BOOT CAMP Mr.Abishek.C.P & Pradeep.S https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/institutions-innovation-council-jointly-organized-a-workshop-entitled-innovation-robotic-boot-camp-on-04-12-2023/
14. 15.02.2024 Guest Lecture WELDING TECHNOLOGY Mr.K.Saravanakumar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/guest-lecture-on-welding-technology/
15. 19.02.2024 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation on Innovation Dr.G.Magesh https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=895990659202290&set=a.382418307226197
16. 20.02.2024 MoU MoU with SNS Design thinking Hub Mr.R.Pradeep https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=896537015814321&set=a.382418307226197
17. 15.03.2024 Guest Lecture GRAVITY DIE CASTING Mr.M.Ragesh jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/guest-lecture-entitled-gravity-die-casting-on-15-03-2024-for-imparting-basics-of-die-casting-importance-of-die-casting-and-its-application-in-various-industries/
18. 03.04.2024 National Level Techinical Symposium J Finagles-A National Level Techinical Symposium Dr.S.Manoharan https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=904319218369434&set=a.382418307226197
19. 16.04.2024 Seminar A Seminar on Industrial Automation and its Application Mr.R.Malleeshwaran https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=933152892152733&set=a.382418307226197
20. 24.04.2024 International Conference 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Modern Manufacturing, and Computerized Automation–ICAMMCA 2024 Dr K Raja Dr S Sudhacar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/3rd-international-conference-on-advanced-materials-modern-manufacturing-and-computerized-automation-icammca-2024-on-24th-april-2024/
21. 14.05.2024-15.05.2024 Workshop Workshop on Business Model Canvas (BMC) Mr.R.Pradeep https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=954384180029604&set=a.382418307226197
21. 01.06.2024 Workshop Workshop on Innovative Curriculum Design and Implementation Dr.G.Tholkappia arasu https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=965836032217752&set=a.382418307226197
Academic Year 2022-2023
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person Web Link
1.  14/09/2022   Seminar  MEP Designing  Miss.J. Constan Anie Sylviya https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/seminar-on-job-opportunities-in-mep-designing-for-mechanical-electrical-and-electronics-engineering-civil-engineering/
2.  21-09-2022    Inauguration  Mechanical Engineering Department Association Inauguration  Dr. Elangovan Rajagopalan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/mechanical-engineering-association-inauguration/
3.  30/09/2022    Webinar  Engineering Mechanics  Mr.M.Mathanraj  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/live-webinar-on-engineering-mechanics/
4.   18/10/2022   Webinar   FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY  Dr. G. NAVANEETHAKRISHNAN  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-fluid-mechanics-and-machinery/
5.  22/11/2022   Seminar   Importance of piping technology and its Software   Mr. Aroon Bhanu  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/department-of-mechanical-engineering-organized-a-seminar-program-on-importance-of-piping-technology-and-its-software-for-new-generation-of-mechanical-engineers/
6.    13/01/2023   SCIENTECH-2023   SCIENTECH-2023  – https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/scientech-2023/
7.   23/01/2023 to 28/01/2023   FDP   HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER  Prof.Rajamani Narayanasamy,Dr.M.PonRajan   https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/10580/
8.   18/02/2023   Alumni Talk   Alumni Talk  Mr.R.Praveen  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-mechanical-engineering-conducted-alumni-talk-by-mr-r-praveen-2013-2017-on-18th-feb-2023/
9.   22/02/2023  one day workshop   Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design  Dr.B.Surehkumar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-mechanical-engineering-jct-college-of-engineering-and-technology-coimbatore-organized-a-one-day-workshop-entitled-design-thinking-critical-thinking-and-innovation-design//
10. 24/02/2023 Seminar Career Growth Of Mechanical Engineers In Oil And Gas Industry  Mr.kabilan kumaravadivel https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-mechanical-engineering-jct-college-of-engineering-and-technology-coimbatore-organized-a-one-day-seminar-entitled-career-growth-of-mechanical-engineers-in-oil-and-gas-indus/
11. 25.02.2023 Compettion Intra-Institutional Innovation Competition  Mr.kabilan kumaravadivel https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-computer-science-and-engineering-jct-college-of-engineering-and-technology-coimbatore-organised-a-programme-entitled-intra-institutional-innovation-competition/
12.   27/02/2023   Webinar   Expert Talk  Mr.E.Anush Mohamed https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-mechanical-engineering-conducted-expert-talk-by-mr-e-anush-mohamed-on-27th-feb-2023/
13. 31.03.2023 Guest Lecturer Opportunities in Design, CNC and MASTER CAM Mr.K.Selvaraj https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/the-department-of-mechanical-engineering-organized-a-guest-lecture-entitled-opportunities-in-design-cnc-and-master-cam-for-mechanical-engineering-on-31-03-2023/
Academic Year 2021-2022
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person Web Link
1.  29/01/2022   Webinar RECENT TRENDS IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY  Mr. R. ABINESH https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-recent-trends-in-additive-manufacturing-technology/
2.  09/02/2022 to 11/02/2022 Three Day online Faculty Development programme  THERMAL ENGINEERING 1 Dr.G.Mahesh, Dr.Prabahar,Dr.Issac Prem kumar, Prof.Maliraja, Prof.Prabhu https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/three-day-faculty-development-programme/
3.  14.02.2022 MOU AIRTAS ENVIRONICS Mr.Gunasekaran Maniraj https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/signing-of-mou-with-airtas-environics/
4.  18/02/2022 Webinar INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN BATTERY (LITHIUM –AIR) TECHNOLOGY Mr. M.Badrinath  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-program-on-investment-opportunities-in-battery-lithium-air-technology/
5.  21/02/2022 Alumni meet  Alumni meet  Viswas Mohan  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/report-on-alumni-day-out-dept-of-mechanical-engineering-an-alumni-meet-virtual-mode-of-our-1-stbatch-2009-201321-02-2022/
6.  2/2/2022 Webinar   LEAN THINKING IN SERVICE OPERATIONS   Dr. S. M. VADIVEL  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-lean-thinking-in-service-operations/
7. 4/3/2022 Webinar   “Geometric dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)    Mr.D.Sivaram Prasad  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-entitled-geometric-dimensioning-and-tolerancing-gdt-and-5s-concept/
8. 15/03/2022 MOU   Shri SAI AUTOMATION    V.Prabhu  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/department-of-mechanical-engineering-signed-mou-with-shri-sai-automation/
9.  31/03.2022   Guest Lecture   Kinematics of Machinery    Mr. A.C. Ram Prasad   https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/guest-lecture-entitled-kinematics-of-machinery/
10.  31/03.2022   MOU    “INTELLEGENZ BUSINEES CONSULTANTS”     MR  THIRU SUSHRUT SATHY   https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/department-of-mechanical-engineering-signed-mou-with-intellegenz-businees-consultants/
11.   09/04/2022    Guest Lecture   Basics of Lean and Six Sigma with Real World case Scenarios of Benefits    Mr. Sushrut Sathy   https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/guest-lecture-entitled-basics-of-lean-and-six-sigma-with-real-world-case-scenarios-of-benefits/
12.   22/04/2022 and 23/04/2022    International Conference     IAMMMCA-2022  Dr.P.Palanisamy   https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/institution-calendar/international-conference-on-advanced-materials-modern-manufacturing-and-computerized-automation-iammmca-2022/
12.   07/05/022    J FINAGLES     National Level Technical Symposium   –  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/jfinagles-a-national-level-technical-symposium-mechanical-engineering/
12.   17/05/2022    Seminar      HVAC     Mr. Vishnu Prakash  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/seminar-on-introduction-to-hvac/
12.   19/12/ 2022    Alumni Talk      Alumni Talk     Mr.E.S. Arjun  https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/department-of-mechanical-engineering-conducted-alumni-talk-by-mr-e-s-arjun/
Academic Year 2020-2021
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person Web Link
1. 25/09/2021  Webinar Develop your own robots  Dr.S. Ganesh kumar https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-develop-your-own-robots-organized-by-department-of-mechanical-engineeringjctcet/
2.  10/10/2021 Webinar From YURI GAGARIN to GAGANYAN Dr. Elangovan Rajagopalan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-from-yuri-gagarin-to-gaganyanorganized-by-department-of-mechanical-engineeringjctcet/
3. 12-10-2021 Webinar Awareness of Current Industrial Trend & 4.0 Mr. T. Suresh https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/webinar-on-awareness-of-current-industrial-trend-4-0organized-by-department-of-mechanical-engineeringjctcet/
Academic Year 2019-2020
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person Web Link
1. 13/02/2019  Seminar ENERGY CONSERVATION Mr. T. Kalayappan,M.D, Avinash Engineering, Coimbatore. https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/seminar-on-energy-conservation/
2. 28/02/2019 and 29/02/2019 AIP – International Conference ICTMIM  Dr.P.Pitchandi Professor https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/aip-international-conference/
3. 03/09/2019 JFINAGLES – DHRUVAZ 2K19 NATIONAL LEVEL SYMPOSIUM  Mr.Madhuramakrishnan https://www.jct.ac.in/engineering/news-event/jfinagles-dhruvaz-2k19-national-level-symposium-organized-by-department-of-mechanical-engineering/
Academic Year 2018-2019
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person
1. 01.08.2018 Association Inaugural Mechanical Association Mr. T. Kalayappan,M.D, Avinash Engineering, Coimbatore.
Academic Year 2017-2018
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person
1 02.03.2018 National level Workshop Dhruvaz 2K18 National Level Mech Fest Dr.M.Elangovan,CAD/CAM Manager/Professor,Mechanical Engg Dept,Amrita School of Engineering
2 20.01.2018 IEEE International Conference Inventive Systems and Control –ICISC 2018 Dr.D.Nirmal, Chair. IEEE-EDS Chapter Coimbatore Section
3 04.01.2018 Hands On Training One Day Hands on Training on Statistical Process Control using Air Gauge Set-up Mr.T.Suresh [Technical Head] & Mr Adithi [Corporate Executive] SS Technovation Coimbatore
4 23.08.2017 Association Inaugural Mechanical Engineering Association Mr.F.Sathiyaraj, Deputy Director/ Sub Regional Officer, Petroleum Conservation Research Association- Coimbatore (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India)
5 23.11.2017 Faculty Development Program Kinematics of machinery Dr.S.Goshteeswaran, HOD, Mech Engg Dept, JCTCET
6 10.06.2017 Faculty Development Program Dynamics of machinery Mr. V.S.Kanthavel, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engg Dept, KKIT, Coimbatore.
Academic Year 2016-2017
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title Name of the Resource Person
1 10.06.2017 Faculty Development Program Engineering Thermodynamics Mr.V.S.Thangavel
2 04.03.2017 Faculty Development Program Research Paper Writing Mr. Ramachandran
3 16.02.2017 Dhruvaz Workshop Nature’s Mechanism in Industry Mr.Muthu Ramakrishnan,Retd, Agricultural Officer,Anaimalai, Pollachi.
4 16.02.2017 Dhruvaz Workshop Recent Developments in Industry Mr.M.S.Nair, Senior Manager, FLRI, Kanjikode Industrial Area, Kerala
5 19.01.2017 IEEE International Conference ICISC 2017 Dr.D.Nirmal, Chair. IEEE-EDS Chapter Coimbatore Section
6 17.08.2016 ONE DAY NATIONAL SEMINAR RIVET MEP/AUTOCAD / CREO / Solid Works Real Time Project Mr.Anandan & Mr. Senthil, Design Head, 3W Technologies, Coimbatore
7 26.08.2016 Seminar Advancements in Product Development Mr.Dinesh Kumar,Product Development Engineer-M/s Milacron-Mould Masters Technologies Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore
8 30.06.2016 Faculty Development Programme ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dr.G. Ramesh, Principal, JCTCET

Year of passing 2024

Student Name University Reg No Discipline Year of Passing On/Off Campus Name of the Employer
Adharsh TK 720920114001 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Akash S 720920114002 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Avdhesh Kumar 720920114007 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Jithin Moorthy N 720920114011 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
S.Kannan 720920114012 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Karan M 720920114013 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Lakshmi KR 720920114015 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
B. Sakthi 720920114022 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Sanjeet Kumar 720920114024 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Sankeerth Sivan 720920114025 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Santosh Kumar 720920114027 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Steffin Stephen T 720920114031 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Suresh D 720920114032 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Vikash Kumar Bittu 720920114033 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Abinandh Cc 720920114301 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Akash S 720920114303 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Anshad V A 720920114304 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Joel.P 720920114309 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Mirunalan.M 720920114311 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Monesh. J 720920114312 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Nived Ab 720920114314 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
M. Prabhu 720920114315 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Pramob K Prasad 720920114316 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Praveen  S 720920114317 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Shibu Tk 720920114319 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Sujil G 720920114320 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Umesh M 720920114321 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Vignesh R 720920114323 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
V Nimal Varghese 720920114326 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Madhav R Nair 720920114327 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Tvs Brakes India Limited,Chennai
Sanjeet Kumar 720920114024 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Steffin Stephen T 720920114031 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Pramob K Prasad 720920114316 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Lakshmi KR 720920114015 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Vikash Kumar Bittu 720920114033 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
M.Prabhu 720920114315 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Santosh Kumar 720920114027 Mechanical Engineering 2024 Off Coapps,Chennai
Akash S 720920114002 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Titan company, Coimbatore
Anshad V A 720920114304 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Titan company, Coimbatore
Mirunalan.M 720920114311 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Titan company, Coimbatore
Lakshmi KR 720920114015 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Titan company, Coimbatore
Sanjeet Kumar 720920114024 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Titan company, Coimbatore.
Lakshmi KR 720920114015 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On H2O Innovation Tech.
Vikash Kumar Bittu 720920114033 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On ARG Tech Machinery, Cbe
Sanjeet Kumar 720920114024 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On ARG Tech Machinery, Cbe
Avdhesh Kumar 720920114007 Mechanical Engineering 2024 On Seros Energy Pvt Ltd  

Year of passing 2023

Student Name University Reg No Discipline Year of Passing On/Off Campus Name of the Employer
Anil Kumar A M 720919114002 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Gokul O M 720919114006 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Pavith Raj R 720919114013 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Vineeth S 720919114020 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Chandan Kumar 720919114034 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Arjun V U 720919114303 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Fawas I 720919114305 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Poornima V M 720919114309 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Wipro Kawasaki Precision Machinery Pvt. Ltd
Anil Kumar A M 720919114002 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Gowtham M 720919114007 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Sharun Raj K 720919114017 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Chandan Kumar 720919114022 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Ritik Kumar Ram 720919114023 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Aravind Kumar G 720919114302 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Ashwin K Pathrose 720919114304 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Jayafir Sadiq P 720919114306 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On JSE Engineering Pvt Ltd
Abhijith P 720919114001 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Ashin M M 720919114003 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Christoes Denishan V 720919114004 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Hariharan S 720919114008 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Mohammed Shaheen Bin Saleem 720919114009 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Nikhil Raj P 720919114012 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Rajesh Kannan R 720919114016 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Srijil E 720919114019 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Akshai U 720919114301 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited
Vasuthevan B 720919114308 Mechanical Engineering 2023 On Brakes India Private Limited

Year of passing 2022

Student Name University Reg No Discipline Year of Passing On/Off Campus Name of the Employer
'Abhinand Krishna 720918114002 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Mohammed Sahal J 720918114020 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Anandu K 720918114301 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Akash S 720918114005 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Amarnath A 720918114010 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Vasudevan K 720918114039 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Vijayakumar T 720918114042 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
Adil Hashim S 720918114004 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Gokul M 720918114015 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Mohammed Sahal J 720918114020 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Althaf A 720918114007 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Rahul P S 720918114028 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Pugazhenthi P 720918114048 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Vishnu K P 720918114045 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Vishnnu M 720918114044 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Sivalal M 720918114032 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Sridhar K 720918114035 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Premjith P 720918114026 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Abdul Baside A 720918114001 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Pinjoffer F Thekkanath 720918114024 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Tomcy Roy 720918114304 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Amarnath A 720918114010 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Anson A A 720918114302 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Jaswin Jayakumar 720918114018 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Muhammed Shafas K A 720918114022 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Aniljith V P 720918114011 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Hashim S K 720918114016 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Irshad I 720918114017 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Amal V Jayaprakash 720918114009 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Arun P K 720918114013 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Sreerag A 720918114033 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Silambarasan G 720918114031 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Raghul R 720918114027 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Amal K S 720918114008 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Vysag S 720918114047 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Akhil Binoy 720918114006 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited
Vishnu K P 720918114045 Mechanical Engineering 2022 On Sundaram Auto Components Limited

Year of passing 2021

Student Name University Reg No Discipline Year of Passing On/Off Campus Name of the Employer
Abdul Haadi.B.A 720917114001 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Abhinand K A 720917114003 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Abhishek P 720917114005 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Abin Mathew P 720917114007 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Ahamed Shameer Mustafa 720917114009 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Ajith.P.U 720917114011 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Akhil.C.M 720917114013 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Akhildas S 720917114015 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Amal Abey 720917114017 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Ancil.P.Jose 720917114019 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Anush Mohamed.E 720917114021 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Aswin.S 720917114023 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Christapher Joshiba 720917114027 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Divya Prasanth.P 720917114029 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Ebenezer S Tomson 720917114031 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Githin.K.J 720917114032 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Gopi.M 720917114033 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Govindaswamy S 720917114035 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Hamil Zackariya 720917114037 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Ihjas Aslam P 720917114039 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Pollucare (Solution for Pollution), Chennai
Jamkannan.B 720917114041 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Jayakrishnan.K.H 720917114043 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Jibin Reji 720917114045 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Jithin M 720917114047 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
John Kurian 720917114048 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
John Samuel 720917114049 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
John Varghese 720917114050 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Kavin.C 720917114053 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Manikandan.K 720917114057 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Mohamed Ayyoob 720917114061 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Vipin V 720917114114 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Muhammed Safwan 720917114065 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Nandhakumar.S 720917114067 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Nithin V J 720917114071 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Prinsan.S 720917114077 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Rahil.Np 720917114079 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Rahul Raj.V.K 720917114081 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Ranjith Kumar.A 720917114083 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Rimas Pm 720917114087 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Sathish.A 720917114091 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Settin Joseph 720917114093 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Sreerag T R 720917114101 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Stenvin E J 720917114103 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Suhail .K 720917114105 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Tijo Sunny 720917114107 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Vigneshwaran.L 720917114111 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Vimal.C 720917114113 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Vishnudas.T 720917114115 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Zahil 720917114117 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Arjun E S 720917114301 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Dhanya Sree V 720917114304 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai
Murugan.S 720917114307 Mechanical Engineering 2021 Off Wheels India Ltd.,  Chennai