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Three Day Faculty Development Programme


Name of the activity: Three Day online Faculty Development programme on “ME8493-THERMAL ENGINEERING-I”

Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a three day online Faculty Development programme on the topic “ME8493-THERMAL ENGINEERING-I” from 09/02/2022 to 11/02/2022(FN Session-10.30am to 12.30pm and AN Session-2pm to 4pm) using google meet platform. Our beloved Principal, Dr. S. Manoharan had given the presidential address, and our HOD/Mech, Dr.G. Mahesh had addressed the gathering.

All the presentations were made by our department faculty. The details of faculty along with their Units presented, respective date and session made for all the day’s are mentioned below. The respective faculty covered all the topics in their corresponding Units.

The Online sessions were organized successfully by Prof.S.Thillikkani and feedback form was sent and received from the participants of various institutions by Prof.K.Karthik. More than 150 participants were benefitted. Finally, Vote of thanks had given by Prof.R.Mahendran.