Institutional Distinctiveness
Explore AdmissionInstitutional Distinctiveness
- Students and Faculty members are from Tamil Nadu and Kerala, since the institution is located in the border of two states.
- Special Programmes like Food Technology, Petroleum Engineering and Petrochemical Engineering are being offered.
- Four Programmes are NBA accredited and the institution is NAAC Accredited.
- To substantiate the vision of the college, that is to promote quality education and employment to all.
- The college offers number of concessions and scholarships for the economically poor students to pursue their higher education in the college.
- The Governing council and the College Development Council give much importance to the development and betterment of the college education.
- The management inspires the Principal, all the HoDs, staff and students towards fulfillment of the stated vision and mission.
- Management discusses in its regular meetings the academic, administrative plan, policy and implementation.
- The college fulfills all the requirements of departments like infrastructure, library,building and extension.
- Management offers concessions to economically poor students and scholarships to student achievers.
- The management implements all the decisions taken in the IQAC meetings with stake holders for the enhancement of quality assurance and sustenance in all areas of academic performance of the institution.
- The discussion and decision with regard to the curricular programmes in tune with Vision and Mission of the Institution taken by various academic bodies are communicated effectively to all students, Teaching and Non-teaching staff of the college through circulars /notices / emails / sms alerts.