Institution Best Practices
Explore AdmissionInstitution Best Practices
Title of the Practice – Empowered, Participative and Transparent Governance through Impres-Institutional Management Software/System
The major challenge with any institution is the timely availability of data for decision making purposes. To overcome this challenge, JCT has invested in an institution ERP which can be accessed both via intranet and internet. The ERP software is user friendly and comes with a lot of security features. This ERP tool has been implemented for the past two years and has helped in improving the productivity of the institution.
Many modules of the ERP software have been customized with specific inputs from JCT and a few are listed below.
Performance Module
- Used to record all the activities of the departments with facility to upload all the supporting documents of the activities.
- Facility to capture the achievement of our faculty members like journal publications, patents filed participation in workshops etc.
- Feature to record performance of our students in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Academic Module
- To easily compute graduation pass percentage of each batch of students.
- To compute semester-wise pass percentage in the First attempt and also the current pass percentage for all the semesters for each batch.
- To Compute mean CGPA of all successful students of every batch.
- To Generate list of students who have secured above a specified CGPA.
Billing Module
- Automatic SMS of daily fee collection to the management.
- Reminder SMS to the fee defaulters.
Placement Module
The complete module with the
- Database of potential recruiting companies,
- Database of students details
- Database of placed, non placed and not interested students
- Various comparison reports of placements with the previous years
- The goal of the ERP software is to automate all the administrative procedures related to Academics, Student Management, Staff Management, Library Management, Hostel Management, Transport Management, HR Management and Finance Management, Collect and Store all the required data in a centralized manner for easy retrieval. With constant input provided by JCT for customization requirements, the ERP has today taken the shape of End-to-End Campus Management Software.
- The major objective behind implementing the ERP system is to move towards a paperless office at JCT and to improve the overall productivity.
- This practice was introduced during July 2015 with the above stated goals in focus and the institution witnessed a paradigm shift in the efficiency of the academic activities with in a short span.
The Context
- Effective and End-to-End Campus Management.
The Practice
- The ERP software is hosted with role based access, both on internet and intranet for easy access from anywhere.
- The main feature of this System is the ease of access to information regarding status of each and every student to all academic stakeholders including Principal, Deans, Heads of Departments, Faculty, Tutors, and Class Advisors, Chairpersons of Class Committees, Officials at the Administrative Office, Central Library Staff, Parents and Students.
- The ERP system has a feature of time line-based locking of entries which forces the faculty to post all periodic entries from daily attendance, syllabus coverage, assessments marks etc. on time.
- The system helps the respective process owners in quick dissemination of information.
- The status of late comers, missing attendance entry, mark entry at the department level allows the HoDs to undertake necessary follow up actions.
- The availability of academic records, leave reasons etc. of the students help the faculty to provide proper guidance and counselling.
- The ERP system has a lot of features to ensure confidentiality. For each staff, their staff code and password are mandatory to login.
- Staff Fingerprint Biometric based attendance marking.
- Online Pay Slip and Attendance/Mark entries.
- Course Plan, Daily Attendance, Syllabus Coverage, Time Table, Alternative Class Arrangements, Mark Entries and Analysis (Staff wise / Subject-Wise / Student-Wise / Test -Wise).
The class advisors can generate and/or Export in Excel format, the following reports right from their work place:
- Monthly Attendance, Cumulative Attendance Day wise report, Hourly report.
- Strength report (Seat category wise / Gender wise / Community wise / Locality wise etc.)
- University / Internal Assessment Test Result Analysis (% of Pass, Range of marks, subject wise failure details, No. of ranks, etc.)
- SMS alerts and Progress reports to parents (Letter /email / SMS).
- OPAC search of central library, smart card based issue/return and e-Gate entry at the library.
- Hostel Infrastructure, Room allotment, Visibility of the profile of the hostellers to the wardens.
- For the day scholars who avail college bus facility, their place of boarding and yearly/ half- yearly transport fee details are maintained by the ERP.
- The allotted route and stage are provided in Bus-Pass.
- Vehicle maintenance, Alerts for FC / License renewals, Transport Pass Issue (Stage wise), Timings at stages, and SMS alerts for change in transportation, GPRS vehicle tracking system which assures high security and status of the transport system.
- The ERP has a Performance Module which helps the HoDs to plan, execute and track the various activities of the departments.
Availability of Information -All Stakeholders
- The predominant facility of the ERP system is information dissemination by all stakeholders. However, to ensure confidentiality and maintain integrity, role-based access controls have been provided.
- The Principal has access to all the modules of the software.
- The HoDs can view details of all students in their departments.
- The Faculty members can view details of all students in the class for the courses Handled by them (both theory / laboratory).
- Students can view all their respective academic performance and achievements
- Parents can also view their ward’s academic performance and achievements through ERP.
Evidence of Success
- Enormous amount of time and effort is saved by using the ERP system because of the availability of the required data at all the time. The faculty are able to spare the saved time in other productive activities.
- Because of bringing in systems across the institution, JCT is able to save substantial money through optimization of various procurement activities.
- Better tracking of payments to be made to the vendors is evident because of the linking of the complete chain of transactions.
- Students and Parents feel comfortable with the system
- The linking between admission, fees payment, academic courses, departments, placement and examination modules of the ERP prevents unnecessary data entry, removes redundant data entry and results in saving of effort and increases accuracy of data
- Management is able to get the data on all activities of the college on real time basis from anywhere which helps in decision making process
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
JCT has received excellent support from the vendor of the ERP software and as such has not encountered any major problem, except non-availability of the system owing to network issues at times.
Best Practices –2
Title of the Practice- Students Mentoring and Counselling for continuous improvement.
- Type of Mentoring : Professional Guidance / Career Advancement / Course work Specific/ Lab specific / total development
- No. of Faculty Mentors : All the Faculty members
- No. of Students : Maximum 15 per mentor
- Frequency of meeting : Monthly and need based
- Effective Student mentoring system has already been implemented in our college.
- All the students of the college are coming under this system from the date of joining the college.
- A complete track of the student activities like Academic, Curricular, Co curricular Extra Curricular achievements, Social activities and the details of Parent Meetings are registered in the system.
- A Mentoring Register has been distributed to all the staffs of the college. Each staff is allocated with 10- 15 students under the mentoring system.
- Faculties will have a meeting with the students periodically and their Academic progress and all his activities are discussed and noted in the register
- Any discrepancies in the student behavior like Attendance , etc will be questioned and will be counseled with care
- Staff will be submitting the register to the Head of the Department
- The HoD will scrutinize any noted student and advise them for corrective action