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The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Higher Education & Competitive Exam Guidance Cell,JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore organized a webinar entitled “INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION" on 23.08.2023 for imparting fundamental knowledge on Higher Studies in India as well as abroad. Dr.I.J.Isaac PremKumar, ASP/Mech delivered the welcome address and Mr.P.Siva,ASP/Mech invited the Chief Guest.Mr.P.SureshKumar,AP/Mech arranged the programme activities effectively.The resource person had given a detailed step by step procedure for applying Visa and Higher studies in abroad. He emphasized the importance of “INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION" and job opportunities in abroad. Totally, more than 60 students and 12 faculty members attended the programme. Dr.G.Mahesh, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering proposed the vote of thanks.