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Live Webinar on Engineering Mechanics was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 30/09/2022 at 2;00 pm. With the presence of our beloved Principal Dr. S. Manoharan, Head Of the Department Dr.G. Mahesh, Program Coordinator Prof. D.Anandkumar & Dr.M.Vijayakumar, all faculty members and Guest of Honor Mr.M.Mathanraj Assistant Professor, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. Dr.I.J.Issacpremkumar has given the presidential address.
The Guest Speaker Mr.M.Mathanraj, had given very deep insights over succession of Engineering Mechanics in the current Industries. Also he explained about the four types of Engineering Mechanics, Basic of Engineering Mechanics? Engineering Mechanics Concepts etc. The Guest speaker addressed and explained in an unblemished manner to all the comments/questions from participants.
E.Certificate was successfully sent to all the participants. Finally the Prof M.Prabhu AP/Mech had given vote of thanks.