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Seminar on Yoga for Happiness


A Seminar was organised by NSS and YRC of JCT College of engineering and Technology on the topic "Yoga for Happiness". Our Principal Dr. S. Manoharan, gave the Presidential address. The session was lead by Dr. R. Sreegovind, Assistant Professor Cum Medical Officer, JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences. He has talked about how practicing Yoga can help us to reduce stress as well as practicing various Asana help us to control mind, thought, emotions as well as body. He also talked about how to retain a good health using Naturopathy. He also told that health is free of cost, so the treatment for curing various health problems should also be free.

There he introduced the Naturopathic way of treatment, and how Naturopathy treats various health issues by using the materials found in the nature as free of cost. At the end of the session 146 Student Volunteers and faculty members gained importance of nature and how nature itself acts as a remedy for various human illnesses, the students had an interaction with the chief guest about the session.