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2nd International Conference On “Advances in Civil Engineering” ICACE-22


The Department of Civil Engineering of JCT College of Engineering and Technology Has Been Organized 2nd International Conference On “Advances in Civil Engineering” ICACE-22 On 11th may 2022. There were nearly 100 research papers were received from all over the world. 65 papers are shortlisted and presented in the conference.

Initially the conference started with the formal Inaugural function at 10. 00a.m in JCT Seminar hall by lightening the kuthuvilakku. The Heads of various Departments, Faculty and students from department of civil engineering, students from various colleges were attended the conference.

Head of the department Dr.A.Kumar gave the welcome the gathering; Principal Dr.S.Manoharan gave the Presidential address, in which he addressed the need of organizing such kind International Conference. Chief Guest of the program Dr.A.Sudhahar, chairman-ICI Coimbatore Center, gave a guest speech on “Recent Advancement in Civil Engineering”. The students are advised to select specialization in their field. In this speech students are asked to explicit and improve their slice learning pattern. Chief Guest address gives more information for the participants in and around college.

Our Associate professor Dr.V.Murugesh has addressed the importance and advancement in civil engineering. The inaugural function ended with vote of thanks by Our Associate professor Dr.V.Venugopalan.