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A seminar on “Yoga for Human Excellence” was held in the seminar Hall of JCT College of Engineering and Technology at 3:00 P.M on 27.06.2014.Resource persons are Yoga trainers from Nandhi temple, Navakarai, Coimbatore.
They have taught the importance of Physical health, mind and the soul of every human being and emphasized the practices to be carried out throughout our life in order to maintain human excellence. They have taught meditation, Kaya Kalpa, Self Introspection and simplified exercises.
The natural phenomena and principles of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky – Panchabuthas were explained. The relation between the Panchbuthas and Five Indriyas ( Body, Mouth, eye, nose, ear ) were explained. Method of self introspection to control and safeguard our self from anger, Lust, Greediness, jealous and ego etc., was explained.
The method of Agnai meditation and Kaya Kalpa were demonstrated. The participants were asked to practiced on the spot. Pranayama, Muthuras and cleaning our inspiration and expiration systems were also taught.
The programme was very much useful to all the teaching faculty, Technical and administrative staffs .
During Question- answer session the participants clarified their doubts.