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A webinar on Promoting safety for women on 06.11.2023


The Women Empowerment & PoSH Cell of JCT College of Engineering & Technology organized a webinar on “Promoting safety for women” on 06.11.2023 from 2.30 p.m onwards for the benefit of girl students & Women Staff members at JCTCET seminar hall.

Ms.S.Akshatha (IV Year Civil) welcomed the gathering, and the introduction of chief guest was given by Ms Nandana (II Year CSE). The chief guest for the session was Mrs. J. JAFLA, Inspector of Police,IPREC, Dindigul.

The chief guest in her speech gave awareness regarding safety measures to be taken out in one’s life, mentioned about counselling helpline for the girl students and the importance of education in the girl’s life. In addition, she gave awareness about the various types of scholarship schemes that are provided by Government for girl student during their education. Nearly 251 girl students and 20 women faculty members actively took part in this program.

After the webinar, students from various department showcased their talents by singing and dancing. Finally the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms.M.Bhuvanika (II Year AI&DS) and the programme ended successfully.