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Deparment of Civil Engineering organized a session “JAKRUTHI” on 15th March 2023 especially for polytechnic students from various institutions and we have arranged many activities for them to upgrade their skills and to make their intellect to work as an engineer. For that we have conducted 5 activities in which the morning session hasPaper presentation where many students have participated and the presentation has conducted by Prof.Balachandiran, then parallelly we have conducted CAD Carving and Model Minting where CAD carvings has lots of participants and they have drawn such nice fine building models also the session handled by Dr.V.Venugopalan. After the students gone for Lunch we have prepared the afternoon session of Civilic Brainz and Mr.Mobiz where the Quiz program conducted has a major upheavel in the young engineers mind and the session conducted by Prof.Sadhasivam has a great value for the department. Also for a mind relaxing session we have conducted Mobile games such as Free Fire for boys and Ludo for girls which is coming under Mr.Mobiz program conducted by Prof. Hari G S and Prof.K.Sivaraman. In all the sessions our Convener Dr.V.Murugesh has a great involvement in conducting every sessions smoothly without any disturbances. After all the sessions our respected principal Dr.S.Manoharan shared his views of conducting the program and he delivered the Winners with the certificates and Cash Prize Money.