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Department of Civil Engineering organized Guest Lecture for the IInd , IIIrd , and IVth year students on the theme of “Computer Application in Civil Engineering” on March 2nd, 2023


Department of Civil Engineering organized Guest Lecture for the IInd , IIIrd , and IVth year students on the theme of "Computer Application in Civil Engineering" on March 2nd, 2023 at JCT CIVIL Seminar Hall. Ms. K. JEYANTHI and Mr. M. SHAHUL HAMEED, Senior CADD ENGINEERS from CARRIER FORUM, TRICHY discussed about several software programmes and how the construction industry uses them. The students' preparation was very effective and beneficial for their career enrichment. The resource person handled the session effectively. Dr. V. Murugesh concludes by providing a brief overview about the current software applications and employability in the construction industry. Followed that Vote of Thanks rendered by Prof. K. Sivaraman, of Civil Engineering department.