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On August 13th 2022 a Faculty Enrichment Programme was conducted at 09.30 a.m by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in association with Centre for Teaching and Learning for the benefit of all faculty members. All the Heads of the Department and faculty members of about 75 participants were present at Seminar Hall of JCT College of Engineering and Technology.
Our beloved Principal Dr.MANOHARAN.S welcomed all the faculty members and he started the event with the introductory remarks about the importance and the benefits of this programme. Followed by this Dr.RAJIV SURESH KUMAR.G, Vice Principal & HOD- CSE discussed about IQAC, its roles and functions. Next Dr.GEETHA.K,Dean-Academics & HOD- EEE discussed about Teaching & Learning process and in her presentation she explained about method of monitoring students, Anna University both the regulation 17 and 21 and also preparation of course file contents.
Followed by this Dr.KUMAR.A , HOD- CIVIL presented his Power point presentation on Examination system and explained about external ,internal duty, squad duty and central valuation of papers from this academic year.
Next presentation was done by Dr.SABRIGIRIRAJ.M, HOD- ECE on the topic Research & Extension Activities. In his presentation he discussed about various journals, its impact factor and types of plagiarism checker.
Followed by the presentation a tea break was given for 15 minutes and the session was continued by Dr.BALAMURUGAN.P, HOD- FOOD on the topic Bloom’s taxonomy.In his topic he discussed about concept and principles of taxonomy of educational objectives and funny answers based on questions. Next presentation was by Dr.MURALIDHARAN.M, HOD- S&H and he discussed about 39 cells and committees, its roles and responsibilities and also the faculties who are holding those responsibilities.
The next presentation was done by our Principal Dr.MANOHARAN.S on Department Fortnight report and Research Progress report. In that he explained about how each and every column of the report should be entered and also explained about the difference between Scopus and SCI indexed journal.
Followed by this the next presentation was given by Dr.MUTHUSAMY.P, HOD- BTBC and the topic he explained was Role of Class Advisor and Lab incharges.In that he mentioned about how a class advisor should help a student in building his carrier life.
The next topic for presentation was Faculty Leave Rules and it was explained by Dr.JETHOSE.V, PLACEMENT DIRECTOR.He mentioned about casual leave,CCL,OD and permission.
Followed by the presentationof Dr.JETHOSE.V a lunch break was given and the Afternoon session was again continued by Dr.JETHOSE.V, PLACEMENT DIRECTOR on the topic Role of Training & Placement. In that he explained about the roles of a placement officer, frequency of meetings to be held and the necessary details to be collected from students.
The last topic was presented by Dr.MAGESH.G, HOD- MECH. In his presentation he explained about Appraisal System and the marks to be scored for an appraisal. Finally he explained about ERP System& Reports. This topic was taken for faculties as hands on session and the venue for this training was common computer centre. In his presentation he discussed about how attendance and notes of lesson should be entered and how reports can be generated and the benefits of ERP.
Finally Principal Sir thanked all the faculties and all the Head’s of the department for making the Faculty Enrichment Programme a grand success and a high tea was arranged for all the faculties on behalf of management and the program came to an end.