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JCT college of engineering and technology has organized the first year Inaugural function for the batch (2014- 2015) at the college premises on 9th 2014. The function started with a Prayer and the lighting of Lamp by the Dignitaries on the dais. The programme was presided by Chairman S.A .Subramanian.
Chairman S.A .Subramanian ,who in his presidential speech emphasized the budding Engineers to establish innovative ideas to get legendry place in reputed MNCs. He also said, “the academic year 2014 is a job friendly year.” He enthused the students to emerge as young talents of this generation to seize the plenty of opportunities awaiting in various field like Agriculture, Pharmacy and IT concerns.
It is worth mentioning here that Dr. G. Ramesh insisted the students to maintain decent dress code and respectable behaviorism at our premises. He urged the Engineering students that they have to accomplish objectives in their life. In addition to that, he encouraged parents to monitor their sons or daughters’ progress in their studies.
Dr M.S.Balamurugan HOD , Science and Humanities, briefed the academic profile of the Anna university examination system to the students and parents.
The Department of library organized a book stall to purchase the first year text books at our college premises.
The occasion was made grand by Mr O .M.Manivelu ,trustee . Earlier, Prof. Sundararaj HOD , Department of Mechanical, gave the welcome address and Dr .C.Sivakumar,Department of Chemistry, proposed the vote thanks. The parents of the first year students ornamented this inaugural function with boundless enthusiasm.