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Resource person : R.Dhandapani, Former Director,Lakshmi Vilas Bank
Presidential Address : Dr.R.Saravanan, Principal,JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
Coordinator : Professor A.Kumar HOD, Civil (Co-Curricular& Extracurricular activities)
Welcome Address : B.Chandramouli, Assistant Professor, ECE (Coordinator-Davinici Club)
Vote of Thanks : R.Prabhu,Secretary,Da vinci Club
Address by the Chief Guest: The Chief Guest, Lion.R.Dhandapani in his address encouraged the students to make use of their post adolescent age filled with energy. The Chief Guest gave useful tips to become an innovative thinker which are ‘Asking questions, Application of the mind, activating the energy centres in the body and Directing the energy positively’. He kindled the spirit of the students to be active till their last breath and to listen to their inner voice. The Programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by R.Prabhu, Secretary of Da Vinci Club.
Student Executive Members