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Intra Institutional Start-up Ideas Competition on 23-08-2023


The Department of Mechanical Engineering has organized an “Intra Institutional Start-up Ideas Competition” for all the departments in Mechanical Engineering Seminar Hall.

Prof.M.Prabhu belongs to Mechanical Engineering Department addressed the student’s about the significance and importance of this programme.He also expressed several examples that would uplift the lifestyle of budding technocrats. He further explained the pros and cons while implementing the new ideas in real life and don’t give up the innovative ideas for any reason.

In this competition 14 batches presented their ideas about their projects from various departments. All the batches used this as the platform and explored their ideas diligently.

Dr.I.J.Isaac PremKumar and Dr.M.VijayaKumar acted as jury members. Also elaborated, how to materialize the new ideas in the practical life effectively and encouraged the students to move ahead in their innovative ideas.

Finally at the end of the session various students interacted with each other and conveyed that they have gotten the confidence to implement their ideas in future.