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National educational day celebration was organised by National Service Scheme (NSS), Youth Red Cross (YRC) and Red Ribbon Club (RRC) of JCT College of engineering and technology on 9th November, 2023 from 10.00 a.m. onwards to commemorate the birth anniversary of Indias first Education minister MaulanaAbulKalam Azad. The main theme for this year National Education day was “Embracing Innovation”. In this connection a talk was organised on “Innovative Education system “.Mrs.V.AnushMiria ,Department of science and humanities , gave welcome speech in which she welcomed the resource person , all faculty members, and students and followed by an presidential address by Principal in charge Dr.V.J.Arulkarthick. Head, Department of ECE. Spoke regarding MaulanaAbulKalam Azad and who has done a lot of significant work in the Indian education system.
In the event, the honourable guest speaker, Dr.T.Lawrence, Deputy Tahsildar ,MadukkaraiTaluk, Coimbatore delivering the ideas which enhance the students through technologies and he explained the importance of education to their bright future. This session was an eye opening session about the innovative techniques in education.
The talk was followed by a lively interactive session where the students and the faculties actively participated. The talk came to an end with a vote of thanks by R.Srikumar, YRC & RRC programing officer.