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National Pollution Control Day on December 02, 2023


The Department of Civil Engineering conducted a Pledge on Zero Pollution Mobility on National Pollution Control Day on December 02, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. The Pledge link has been shared in the whatsapp group and the students were instructed to make the pledge under the supervision of Coordinators Assistant Professor M Sadhasivam and Assistant Professor Hari G S and the Convenor of the program Dr. V. Murugesh, Head of the Department, who highlighted the importance of the Pledge. 17 Students and 6 Faculties have taken the pledge fro the day and the Students have completed the Pledge and they got the e-certificates and they have said their views on zero pollution mobility to their circle to enhance our environment. Also for the environment we have planted a guava sapling with our alumni on the same day which will give fruitfullness to the environment and to the species who acquire that.