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The faculty development program was started with the registration of faculty members. Then the program started with the welcome address by the head of the department of mechanical engineering, Dr.S.Goshteeswaren, followed by the address by Dean, Dr.P.Pithandi.
Then program started, in which the first session was handled by Mr.S.Vinodh, Assistant Professor of mechanical engineering department. He gave a ppt presentation on various types of stresses and strains, young’s modulus, bulk modulus, poissons’s ratio and modulus of rigidity. After having a tea break for ten minutes, the second session was started at 11.30 a.m. with the introduction of the external resource person, by Mr.D.Joslin Vijaya, Associate Professor, department of mechanical engineering. The external resource person was Mr.Srinivasan, Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, N.G.G.O.Colony, Coimbatore-641022. In this session he handled the topics of unit IV, Deflection of Beams, and unit V, Thin Cylinders, Spheres and Thick Cylinders.
The afternoon session started at 2.15 p.m. and , Dr.S.Goshteeswaren, head of the department of mechanical engineering gave a ppt presentation about Torsion and Springs which come under the unit III.
The certificates were distributed to all the participants. Thus the whole program came to an end.