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27 Aug, 2014

Programme on “Motivation on Entrepreneurship Among Students”


JCT College of Engineering and Technology conducted a Programme on “Motivation for Entrepreneurship among Students” on 27th August 2014 in the college premises. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by Prof.V.Pradeep, coordinator of EDC. In the presidential address, Dr.G.Ramesh, Principal of our college encouraged the gathering with the importance of becoming an entrepreneur irrespective of the age. The Chief Guest Mr.K.Sundararaj, General Manager of Kasthuri Machine Builders, Coimbatore briefed us with the key ideologies to succeed as an entrepreneur by means of Video Clippings of his industry. He mentioned about Mr.Jayachandran, who was the founder of the Kasthuri Group. His words about his own experiences in various companies and posts made the students to realize the importance of entrepreneurship in life. One of his key ideas was not just production, but also managing the financial status of the product. He presented a brief explanation to become a successful man by relating the basic concepts behind a successful entrepreneur and the importance of Self Confidence in entrepreneurship. By the end of his clipping, motivation arose for an industrial visit, which was requested by the Principal. Mr.J.Arun, Incharge of EDC proposed the words of gratitude.