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The Department of EEE organizes a program on “Intellectual Property Rights and Management for Startup” on 20th March, 2023 at 11.30AM in JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, with the presence of Dr.S.Manoharan, Dr.K.Geetha (Dean-Academics, HoD/EEE), Program Coordinators Mr.D.Nagarajan and Mrs.J.Priyadharshini. The main objective of the program is creating awareness to students about the new start-up ideas on Entrepreneurship, Patent filing and Copy right of the products.
In this program, 856 students have participated and gained the knowledge about the Patent filing, publishing and Copy right of the products. Dr.S.Manoharan, Principal/JCTCET initiates the Program and gives speech about the importance of Intellectual Property Rights. Dr.K.Geetha, Professor & Head delivered the vote of thanks to participants and faculty members whohave supported the event to get completed in successfully manner.
It was a very fruitful Awareness Program organized by Department of EEE, JCT College of Engineering and Technology. Participants had a great learning experience about basic knowledge on IPR and Patent Filing.