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The Department of Mechanical Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore organized a Guest Lecture entitled “Strength of Transverse Loading on Beams” on 16.03.2023


The Department of Mechanical Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore organized a Guest Lecture entitled “Strength of Transverse Loading on Beams" on 16.03.2023 for imparting fundamental knowledge on Beams & its types and its applications in real life. Dr.G.Mahesh, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered the welcome address and Mr.R.Mahendran,AP/Mech introduced the chief guest. The resource person provided a concept of beam. He emphasized the importance of Shear force and Bending Moment. Totally, more than 70 students and 20 faculty members attended the programme. Prof.D.Ananda Kumar, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering proposed the vote of thanks.