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The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with ICTACT organized the Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to R Programming” on 17th April 2018 at 9:30AM. The resource person for this program was Mr. Dinesh Kumar Gandhi, M.Sc., M.Phil., (Ph.D)., Senior Technical Trainer, ICT Academy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The program started with the prayer song. The welcome address was given by Dr. G. Rajiv Suresh Kumar, Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
The total of 15 external faculties from various institutions and 12 internal faculties participated in the programme. The hands on training in R programming were given by the resource person and the usage of the R programming was very well illustrated by him. Many case studies were solved for the easy understanding of the concepts. The two days faculty development programme enriched the knowledge of the participants and was an effective session.Finally, Ms.Tharani.R, Assistant Professor gave vote of thanks and concluded the session on the second day evening.