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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Five Days Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “RECENT ADAVNCEMENTS IN COMMUNICATION & WIRELESS NETWORKS” from March 1st 2022 to March 5th 2022 through Google meet link.
The program began with a Welcome address by Prof.Vedha Vinodha.D, Head of the Department, ECE and the introduction about the speaker was given by Mrs.R.Poornima.Assistant Professor, ECE Department for all the 5 Days.
Day 1 (01/03/2022) : The chief speaker of the function was Dr. Neenu Joseph, Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering , Albertian Institute of Science and Technology Ernakulum. She delivered the speech on“6G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION –DESIGN AND CHALLENGES”. She covered the topics such as wireless systems and Evolution 1G to 6G, Overview of cellular communication and described about OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing).
Day 2 (02/03/2022): The chief guest of the function was Er. K.A.Valarmathi, Assistant General Manager, (Enterprise Business) BSNL; Coimbatore. She delivered the speech on “LATEST TECHNIQUES IN TRANSMISSION AND DATA NETWORKS IN TELECOM INDUSTRY”. The topics OSI Reference model and Asynchronous Transfer mode were taken. She shared about the topic DSL and types of DSL technologies and overview of ADSL.
Day 3 (03/03/2022):The chief guest of the function was Dr.K.Satheskumar, Assistant Professor,Vivekanandha college of Technology for women Tiruchengode. He delivered the speech on “ RECENT TRENDS IN COMMUNICATION”. IOT architecture and its application such as IOT in agriculture (Crop management, cattle management ) IOT reference model were discussed.
Day 4 (04/03/2022) : The chief guest of the function was Dr.A.Mohanarathinam Assistant Professor, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore. She delivered the speech on “TELEMEDICINE – VIRTUAL HEALTHCARE”. Components in Telemedicine systems, categories of telemedicine and virtual healthcare and also she taught about how the telemedicine used in WBAN, WBAN Communication architecture, regulations and requirements.
Day 5 (05/03/2022): The Chief Guest Of The Function was Er.GnanaReuban.A, Divisional Quality Head Wires & Cables V Guard Industries Limited, Coimbatore .He delivered the speech on “ADVANCEMENTS IN FIBRE OPTICS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION. Advancement in fiber optics, methods used in fabrication of optical fibers, different types of optic rays ,comparing the old and new technologies in data communication and how the optical fiber plays an important role in communication were discussed.
At the end of each session faculties had an interaction with the chief guest. In the Faculty Development program 47 faculties from various Institutions participated and got benefited. Feedback form link was sent and received from the participants of various institutions and E-certificates were issued to the participants.
Finally vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs R.Poornima, A.P/ECE Dept. and the Five Days Virtual Faculty Development Programme came to an end.