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Webinar on Role of Intellectual Property Rights on 26.04.2024


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a Webinar on “Role of Intellectual Property Rights” on 26.04.2024 at 11.00 AM. Mr.D.Nagarajan (AP/EEE), delivered welcome address on the presence of the Head of the Department, resource person and all the faculties and students. Dr.M.S. Sivagama Sundari, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, enlightened about the ‘Role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)’.

Her lecture started with an introduction on theme of World Intellectual Property. She pointed out that the ‘Innovation and Creativity’ is the essence of Intellectual Property (IP) in building our common future. Since IP is an asset and can get commercial gains, the speaker encouraged the significance on the protection of the IP. The speaker spoke on the topic of “Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks: Procedural and Legal Aspects”. Patents copyright and trademarks have great significance not only in the uplifting the knowledge and economy but also in fine-tuning it.

Ms. Arokia Mary Caroline P delivered vote of thanks. She thanked our resource person, Principal, HoD and students for attending the Webinar and our faculty members for their extended support for organizing this event successfully.