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The objective of this program is share ideas related to real time start up with successful outcomes for students and faculty members. The program has two phases.
In Phase I, The program has started at 10.00 AM with Tamil Thaai Vazhthu. Dr. S. Venkatesh babu, HOD of the Petroleum Engineering Department have given the welcome address. Our honourable Principal Dr. S. Manoharan, has welcomed all the dignitaries and participants for this event and invited the chief guest Dr.C.Kanagaraj to deliver his expert talk for Mentorship Start-ups.
Dr. C.Kanagaraj has told some of the most significant points on how to generate an idea for project grants. He has shared his experience for generating a project proposal. Students were interested to interact with him regarding their opinions about ideas. He had explained the kind of facilities available with state and national policies for granting a funded project.
Apart from the regular way of expressing ideas, he also explained how internet platform is aiding for promoting one’s ideas. He told the significance of having linkdn profile and how to market an idea through it. Students were anticipated with his presentation and shared their doubts with new insights.
The second phase of the event has conducted in Board Room of JCT College of engineering Technology with faculty members of various departments. He had told how to motivate students to initiate their own ideas. Besides students he has told some insights regarding faculty research grants, patent filing and funded projects. The meeting have ended at 1.30 PM.