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JCT College of Engineering and Technology conducted a Programme on “Motivation for Entrepreneurship among Students” on 26th February 2014 in the college premises. Dr.G.Ramesh, Principal of JCT-CET presided over the function. In the presidential address he mentioned about the need of having an Entrepreneurship Development Cell and conferred an introduction to it. Thiru O.M. Manivelu, the Trustee of JCT-CET graced the function with his presence. The chief guest of the programme Mr.D.Devarajan, Proprietor of Sreedev solar solutions, Coimbatore addressed the gathering. He explained the design and the history of table top grinders and revealed the consumption of major power sectors. He elucidated about creativity and innovation and provided the students with an opportunity to understand it more clearly. He also discussed about the regional resources in Tamil Nadu and the emerging solar technologies. He exposed the benefits of using renewable resources and the effects of pollution caused by thermal power plants. He succeeded in creating novelty in students which demonstrated the present scenario of India and the changes that can be made in the future through hard slog. Coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Development Cell Prof. D. Joslin Vijaya welcomed the gathering and Prof.V.Pradeep, Coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Development Cell proposed the words of gratitude.